Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump

Imagen Doodle Jump
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Total votes: 1 votes
  • Developer:

    Lima Sky

  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Help the alien Doodler reach the top by jumping"

Doodle Jump is a platform video game that was originally designed for iOS, Android and Symbian operating systems – in other words, for mobile phones. But now, you can enjoy playing this cute, simple game on your PC as well. Best of all, it’s free! It’s a lot of fun and, true to its name, the whole game looks like it was doodled onto some graph paper.

In Doodle Jump, the main character is Doodler, a sort of alien cartoon creature with four legs. Your job is to make him jump from platform to platform, dodging obstacles and picking up helpful objects. The objective of the game is very simple: go as high as you can. Just be careful when you’re jumping up onto the different platforms, because if Doodler falls off, he dies and it’s game over for you.

You’ll also have to get around some monsters that pop up along the way, which you can do by shooting at them, jumping on top of them, or simply avoiding them. The adaptation of Doodle Jump from mobile to PC is quite simple, and you can use your computer keyboard to easily control Doodler and see how high you can go.